One Reason Why Cassettes are So Great

I was in my parent's basement looking for the old tape deck I knew was down there somewhere.  I found it.  It didn't work.  Next to it there was an old bucket filled with aged cassettes, nails, and dust.  Most of the tapes were not labeled, but one was.  "Tape from Wedding" was written on Side A of the tape.  The other side had no label.  I got the old tape deck working with some new belts and a lot of trial an error getting the mechanism to run again after 25 years.  I put in the tape and immediately was transported to 1972.  I later learned that at my parent's wedding, the band placed an old tape recorder somewhere in the room and pressed record.  

I found the tape about a week before my parent's 50th wedding anniversary.  We had already arranged to throw them a party in a private room in a local restaurant. I hooked up my computer with some RCA cables from the tape deck to the audio interface and recorded both 90 minute sides of the tape into Logic and bounced it to iTunes as an mp3.  Using my phone and a bluetooth speaker, we played my parent's wedding band recording all night during the party.  It was amazing.  People cried. 

Here's the point and here's one reason why cassette's are so great.  This tape was physically AT THEIR WEDDING! It's been in a bucket for 50 years collecting dust and turning yellow with age, but it still exists.  Of course we all have wedding pictures and videos, but playing this tape with all the crowd noise and people talking, band playing, laughing, applause, etc. it is so much more than watching a video or looking at pictures.  It makes you imagine the space and the people and the band and it is a tangible record of the event that you can hold in your hand.


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